LED Wristband

LED Wristband

Mar 25, 2022 08:30 AM
The finished LED Wristband in the dark.  Its form factor is not nearly as small as it could be, but due to it being my first approach I still have a lot of debug circuitry on top. The comparably huge LiPo battery doesn’t improve on that.
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How I built it (Stages of development)
Stage 1 - Early development of the wristband (me poking LED’s through a ribbon)
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Stage 2 - All LED’s are set, the wires have been soldered to them and organized accordingly. One side of the ribbon is already sewn together.
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Stage 3 - Both sides have been sewn, however there is still a lot of wiring to the controller to do.
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Stage 4 - Picture shows all the intricate wiring necessary for CharliePlexing 12 LED’s with only 4 I/O Pins. Hot glue holds it all together, I would be lost without it.
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Stage 5 - The only thing missing is the LiPo battery
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